Tuesday, July 13, 2010

6 months old!

I can't believe that it has been six months since Amirah was born!!! I am so grateful for all that we have and for Amirah.

Amirah has been doing okay this past week or so. A few bumps, but overall we are doing well.

As you know, last week we found out we have to wait until at least August before Amirah can go to rehab. There has been a little talk about her coming straight home instead of a stop at rehab, but we don't know how that will work out yet.

As you might know, Amirah was able to come off the CPAP and Vent last Tuesday. She did pretty good on it for a few days. But on Saturday she had to go back onto the Vent. She had been doing pretty good on it. That was until last night...

Amirah did have a little bit of a rough night. She had a pretty bad lung spasm. Basically she wasn't moving any air through her lungs. They had to give her continuous breathing treatments and then started her on IV steroids. They also had to give her a few doses of morphine to calm her down.

Today the pulmonary doctors came for a consult with her. Basically Amirah has asthma.

Her treatments for now are 2 different types of inhalant asthma medications, an inhalant steroid, and an IV steroid (for 3 days). Because of the IV steroids they restarted her on Prilocec. She has also been having high blood pressures, so they are giving her blood pressure medications as needed. And finally she will probably need to have another surgery. At her incision site for the nissan there seems to be a little hernia (basically her intestine is coming through her abdominal muscles). This is not an emergency and it might be a while before she has this surgery.

I think that's all the development from this week.

It's not been an easy week. But we still are staying positive. Last week when Andy was off work we both got to spend so real quality time with each other and with Amirah. We both had the opportunity to do more of the things Amirah will need us to do for her when she comes home. Things like change her trach ties. Clean her trach and her g-tube. Adjust her oxygen. Move her around with all her tubes. We also got to do some of the fun things like snuggle her to our chest. let her sleep in our arms and kiss all over her cute little body.

I am becoming increasingly impatient to have her home. But I read something today that has helped me refocus..."Although waiting can feel like agony, it may be exactly what you need to do to prepare for the next stage of your life." This really hit home for me. Not only has it helped me refocus but it address a thought that had been rambling around my head for a while.

Andy and I have had a whirlwind year. We have only know each other for a little over a year. So not only are we still in our "honeymoon" of our relationship, we both went from single lives to married with a sick baby in a very very short amount of time. I would NEVER change this. But I have had thoughts about how this extra time Amirah has given me and Andy to "adjust" to our new lives. I don't want you to think I am glad that Amirah came early and has been in the hospital for 6 months, because I am sure you know how much I want her home. However, being the eternal optimist I am, and almost always seeing the glass more than half full, I am thankful for this extra time we were given.

That being said, I want to put this out into the universe.... I AM READY TO BE MOM AND AM READY FOR AMIRAH TO BE HOME WITH US!

That's all for me tonight. Thanks for letting me vent.


  1. so beautifully felt, thought and written....love you guys

  2. I didn't see this until just now, and I wanted to put it out there that your attitude blesses me so much. I'm sure that you've got your "moments", but I happen to know that I, personally, would NOT be dealing with what you've dealt with NEARLY as gracefully and graciously as you have. You guys are so strong and Amirah has obviously inherited that from both of you!
    Love you guys!
