Monday, March 8, 2010

Life Week 8

Hello Amirah Nation! I want to apologize for another long spell between postings. It's been tough going folks, and Amirah has been really fighting. First, the good news.

Amirah is a Whooping 3 pounds (almost) 7 ounces. As you can see in the pics, she has come a long way from the days when she could wear my wedding ring like a high school teen wears a bangle! She is eating 18mls every two hours. She is off the continuous feeds, and eating more on a more normal schedule. She is pooping and peeing like crazy! She was more then happy to show mommy and daddy how good she was at pooping this past Sunday! I was left amazed and going holy smokes, where was she keeping all of that!

Amirah is still feisty. She managed to pull her incubation tube out twice in one week! I try to remind her every time that I am there that as much as she wants too, she cant get up and walk out just yet. She is a strong, and squirmy, and when she is awake, I can see her looking around. Its hard to not want to reach in and pick her up. The recently placed a shirt on her, as she has become better at regulating her body temperature.

Over all Amirah is really making progress, and it's amazing to watch. I know that progress is in no small thanks to you, Nation. Thank you so much.

Now, AN (I can call you AN can't I? You have been with us so far, It feels silly to be so formal!) Amirah needs you more then ever. Her lungs are still not growing as well as they should.

(continued by Johanna)

On Monday they started Amirah on Nitric Oxide treatments. This is to treat her Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia(BPD). Basically BPD is chronic lung disease that preemies often get from the breathing machines. The good news is that she can totally grow out of it. My niece Olivia (who was born at 25 1/2 weeks) also had BPD as a baby. Well anyway... back to Amirah. They started her on the NO2 treatments on Monday. They were hoping it would help her with her oxygen absorption. It hasn't seem to help and if there are no significant changes they will stop it tomorrow.

So, since the NO2 hasn't seemed to help, in a few days they will probably start her on another course of steroids. We REALLY REALLY want one of these two approaches helps her lungs. So please, everyone just "see" the NO2 or the steroids helping her lungs get clear of the gunk that is in them now.

Some other good news- I was able to hold Amirah yesterday AND today! She had a great nurse that really encouraged me to hold. Yesterday I held her for over an hour. It was amazing.

Amirah is become more and more active and engaged when awake. It's amazing to watch. Sometimes it's really frustrating though. Last Friday, right before she pulled her tube out for the second time that week, she was really frustrated and was crying. It broke my heart to not be able to scoop her up and try to comfort her. I can't wait til I am able to do that for her.

One other update from what Andy said above... she is getting feed 30ml every 3 hours.

That's all for now folks... Thanks again for all the prayers and thoughts.

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