Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The end is always the hardest

I feel as though I have come to the end of my rope. I CAN NOT wait for Amirah to come. I am tired of being at the hospital all day. I am tired of dealing with new nurses, new team members and having to push for Amirah to be released. I am tired of coming in to the room and seeing Amirah not being cared for the way I care for her.

At this point it looks like Amirah should be home some time next week. We should have a clearer date after Friday when I meet with the nursing company.

Enough venting for now, here's some cute photo's of Amirah in the bath ...

In her first "big girl" bath...

Mommy giving Amirah her bath....


  1. Oh she's waring the dress I got her in the first pic and she looks FAB as I knew she would!!!! I can't wait for her to come home either :):):):)

  2. That's one of our favorite dresses right now. And it's great. I think as she grows she will be able to wear it as a long shirt over some pants.
