Sunday, January 31, 2010

Life: 2 weeks 5 days

Good Afternoon Amirah Nation!!! I hope this finds you in good spirts, and I have to apoligize for the late update. If your wondering why, I'll explain; between work and the trips back and forth to the hospital, its tough to find the time to update this! But never fear Amirah Nation! You hang in there, and keep the prayers coming, and I will do my best to get these updates to you!

I wish I could say that things are getting easier folks, but its not. Amirah has had quite a few up and down moments the last few days.

(this is Johanna now, I'm not as fun to read as Andy, but he cooked dinner again tonight, so I felt I should at least do this).

Starting Friday she started desating with her oxygen. They had to go back and forth with both the amount of oxygen and the pressure over the past few days. They also gave her a blood transfusion yesterday because her hemocrit was low again.

She has been doing great with her feeding. They have increased her feeds to 3.5 ml an hour. And she is growing bigger. She gained 100 grams over 2 days.

Today was the first time we saw her trying to suck her little thumb. She was able to get it in her mouth a few times. It was so freaking cute :).

Every new nurse we have taking care of Amirah tells us what a fiesty little girl she is. It is clear to them and to us how strong willed she is. And every time we hear it we smile. Amirah's strong will is important to her getting better and coming home.

Andy and I had a rough weekend. I think the reality of our situation hit us. Luckily he and I had our down moments at different times and were able to lean on one another to get through it.

Over all we both realize how extremely blessed we are. We are blessed to have all of you (and those you share our story with) praying for us and sending us positive energy. Please keep praying for our little girl. She needs her lungs to continue to get stronger and start to work on their own a little bit more. We want a slow and stead progress.

That's the update for now. We will try and update a little more frequently. Thank you so much for all your love and support.

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